Truly Free Film

Film Culture Must Shift Away From A Mass-Market Focus

The Film Biz, and thus the culture it birthed, originally had no option but to be mass market.  But we now have a tremendous opportunity of an alternative method and it is right before us, ripe for creating. Shall we do it?  Or should we just sit on our ass and let this moment pass?  Although most of culture is waking to this reality, those of us who opted to first and foremost create feature films are still leaning towards the latter.

Look at where we were however, and you might just be able to see where we need to go. Back in the olden days of yore, EVERYONE had to go to the movies for the infrastructure to be built.  And they did. And it was.  And it was pretty fantastic and widely loved. But….

Truly Free Film

Slow Print, Slow Films…

There’s been more chatter about The Death Of The Book, than there has been about even The Death Of Film, yet the book has proven to be pretty damn resilant as it morphs into new forms.  We can only hope that film follows suit.  The LA Times had a nice overview on the opportunities that digital offers over print, and vice versa.  It can’t help prod you a bit to answer what can be analogous in the film space to some of the innovative solutions both sides of the publishing world that the film biz can mimic and expand upon.

Publishing also shares many of the vulnerabilities that film does