Truly Free Film

Spreading The Word

How do you get people to know about your film?  To want to see your film?  For a film to work we have to get the word out well beyond the film community.  Whatever the content of your film there is a community who has a direct relationship to it.  Where do they live?  What else are they talking about?

Movie Marketing Madness and ReadWriteWeb each have had good posts on how to find the top blogs regardless of the topic.  So now you can go out and find those folks and start talking.  Get them talking about your movie.
Truly Free Film

Web Resources

This was supposed to be a blog about film and building the new infrastructure for what truly could be called independent film.

Sometimes I feel that the web side of it all is completely taking over.  It’s a given that gaining a rudimentary understanding of what is possible using the existing internet tools will be key to building that new infrastructure.  To that end, all of our job descriptions should include a specific amount of time per week (per day?) devoted to that education.
To that end we will be providing a new column on the right specifically for “web resources” — those sites that aggregate all that is happening in the field and are worth a filmmaker’s regular visit.  Stay tuned, for that, and hit us with your suggestions.
To that end, check out ReadWriteWeb which tracks technology, social media, and social network trends, and has a lot of great How-To posts too.