Truly Free Film

Models & Experiments In Indie Distribution

I was bummed that I missed the Sundance panel on the New World of Indie Distribution.

Luckily, Scott Kirsner has the audio for download on his CinemaTech site.  If you see me walking to work, crossing on the orange hand, headphones burrowed into my ears, you know they are speaking well of the future.  Check it out (and I guess I should take a cue from Scott and start to record the panels I partake on…).
The Film Panel Notetaker has a few posts up too on some of the other panels.  There is enough going on in the panels to fill a full year of film school curriculium.  Still, I was hoping to find some more sparks.  
I participated in “The Panic Button” and for all the heavyweights participating, I would’ve thought they’d be more coverage; I guess The Inauguration pulled the press away.  Go figure. Maybe the biz is getting tired of hearing the old white guys speak.  Reuters was there though.  IndieFlix too. I did my best to get the business side (I was the only filmmaker) to recognize that they have to start giving back to the community a bit more if they don’t want to see what’s vibrant vanish, but Reuters only got the start of that argument.